Re: Low hanging fruit?

/ (Henry S. Thompson) was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh writes:
|> In atomic steps, I can just leave out the p:input element, but for
|> compound steps I can't, so it would be inconvenient if
|>   <p:input port="source"/>
|> wasn't a request for the default binding.
| Hunh?  Can't leave out _what_ p:input element?
| E.g. p:iteration-source?  But it's optional, and defaults in the
| obvious way . . .
| I guess I agree with the proposal anyway. . .

Uhm, yeah. Nevermind what I said, but I'm glad you agree anyway :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Resist the urge to hurry; it will only            | slow you down--Bruce Eckel

Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2007 13:38:58 UTC