Re: Proposed dynamic error: a select that doesn't select nodes

/ "Innovimax SARL" <> was heard to say:
| hum....
| for me a
|   <p:input select="/div">
|     <p:empty/>
|   </p:input>
| should give an empty sequence and not a dynamic error

Yes, fair point. That's going to cause a dynamic error later if the
input isn't allowed to be empty, but it's not an error on the face
of it.

| I also agree that
|   <p:input select="3 + 2">
|     <p:empty/>
|   </p:input>
| should raise a dynamic error and even a static one because *IT WOULD
| NEVER SELECT A NODE SET* whatever the input

I agree that it's an error that can be detected statically, but do we
want to insist that implementations MUST detect it statically?

I don't feel strongly about it.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Endurance is frequently a form of            | indecision.--Elizabeth Bibesco

Received on Friday, 1 June 2007 20:31:50 UTC