Re: p:hash and xml:base writes:
> The new draft (28 January 2009) says the following about p:hash:
> "If the expression given in the match option matches an attribute, the
> hash is used as the new value of the attribute in the output. If the
> attribute is named 'xml:base', the base URI of the element must also be
> amended accordingly."
> Is the sentence about xml:base really what we want here? I mean, do we
> really want to use a hash value (which is essentially a hex string) as a
> base URI?

Well, I agree it's exceptionally unlikely to be of practical value,
but it's consistent with what we say about other steps that can change
the xml:base attribute.

> ...but perhaps this can be a useful feature. And besides, as I think
> about it now, it is probably a better solution than forbidding using
> p:hash on @xml:base...

Exactly. I don't think it does any *harm* to have these semantics, so
I don't think it's worth imposing an exception on users or

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | The First Amendment is often            | inconvenient. But that is besides the
                              | point. Inconvenience does not absolve
                              | the government of its obligation to
                              | tolerate speech.--Justice Anthony
                              | Kennedy, in 91-155

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2009 14:28:44 UTC