Re: p:load?

Vasil Rangelov wrote:
>> Have you got a specific example DTD that you're thinking about? All the 
>> markup languages that came to my mind (Docbook, XHTML, NLM Journal etc.) 
>> have RNG equivalents. Specific use cases tend to be more persuasive than 
>> general wish lists.
> XHTML? 1.0? In RNG? Really? Now there's something new for me. I thought it
> only has a DTD. That was the particular language I had in mind. After a
> search on the W3C site, I also saw a Schema implementation, but RNG.

See James Clark's:

(#2 hit on googling for XHTML RELAX NG)

> Anyhow, I can't think of any other language now too, but even if I do,
> contacting it's author may as well result in that author publishing a schema
> and/or RNG too. Still, it only may. Thanks for not being against it though.
> That's still something ;-).

Unless the markup language has very stringent licensing terms, I don't 
think a designer can stop you, as the individual who needs it, from 
creating a RELAX NG version of a DTD.

Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 10 September 2007 20:44:15 UTC