XML Core Open ACTIONS as of 2006 Sept 18

We have CANCELLED the telcon of 2006 September 20.

Our next telcon will be Wednesday, 2006 September 27.


A couple weeks ago we voted to take XInclude 2nd Ed to PER, 
but Paul found there were too many issues with the front matter 
to do so--see

ACTION to DV:  Address Paul's email and produce another draft.


Our C14N drafts have been published.

ACTION to Jose:  Send email to Web Services Policy WG pointing 
out the notes and C14N 1.1 and asking that they review them.


John Cowan raised an issue with a "typo" in these specs at

ACTION to Henry:  Check if this issue is something that can
be fixed in place.

ACTION to Henry continued.


Richard notes that there were some comments sent to the
xml-editor list:

ACTION to Francois: Add the above two issues to the PE document.


ACTION to Norm:  Create an XLink DoC.

In the new version of XLink, we talk about IRIs and XML Resource 
Identifiers and other ways of encoding.  So it's unclear
now what to do about spaces in href attributes.  Compare
http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink11/#link-semantics and the
wording above it in section 5.4.1 at

Norm thinks instead of spaces, we should now say non-URI

ACTION to Norm:  Make a suggestion how best to fix this.

Also, nowhere do we say that conversion from an XML Resource
Identifier to an IRI must occur as late as possible.
Suggested new wording:

 If required, the IRI reference resulting from converting
 an XML Resource Identifier can be converted to a
 URI reference by following the prescriptions of
 Section 3.1 of [RFC 3987].

 The conversion from an XML Resource Identifiers to an
 IRI must be performed only when absolutely necessary and
 as late as possible in a processing chain.  In particular,
 neither the process of converting a relative XML Resource
 Identifier to an absolute one nor the process of passing
 an XML Resource Identifier to a process or software component
 responsible for dereferencing it should trigger escaping.

ACTION to Norm:  Implement the new wording in XLink 1.1.


Received on Monday, 18 September 2006 15:25:49 UTC