from April 2009 by subject

[ACTION-55] New module added

[ACTION-56] Title Element updated to indicate it can be used throughout document

[ACTION-57] Reverted content models for meta and link

[ACTION-60] Added a legacy editing module that contains INS and DEL

[ACTION-66] Remove NL element

[ACTION-69] Put the br element back into XHTML 2

[ACTION-73] vocab document updated so all vocab items are included in the role properties container

[Fwd: Re: Integrating ITS into XHTML2]

[XHTML] Agenda 2009-04-01

[XHTML] Agenda 2009-04-08

[XHTML] Agenda 2009-04-15

[XHTML] Agenda 2009-04-22

[XHTML] Agenda 2009-04-29

[XHTML] minutes: weekly teleconference 2009-04-08

[XHTML] Virtual Face2Face minutes 2009-04-23 (draft)

addition to CURIE implementation report

Chatter around titles

CR of Access

dialog/dialogue element name disambiguation

Draft Minutes 2009-04-15

Draft minutes 2009-04-22

Fwd: Re: WAI-ARIA comments from the XHTML WG.

ISSUE-4 (for/id for Text Module): defining a for/id relationship for specific elements in the XHTMl2 Text Module [XHTML2]


Minutes 2009-04-29

PROPOSAL: Add a role value "form" to the vocabulary


Regrets 22nd of April 2009

Regrets :(

regrets: 2009-04-08

role="form" missing (closest construct: role="search")

Status XHTML2 WG

Updated vocab document

Updated XHTML 2 Editor's Draft available

WAI-ARIA comments from the XHTML WG.

XHTML2, RDFa, and MetaData

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 22:31:11 UTC