Minutes of 2011-06-09 LLD meeting

Minutes of today's call are at:

Text version follows.



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                LLD XG

09 Jun 2011


      [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Jun/0007.html

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2011/06/09-lld-irc


          edsu, rayd, jeff_, tbaker, kcoyle, antoine, emma, ww, GordonD

          Kefo, Kim, Lars, Peter, Jodi, Michael, Daniel




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]administrative
         2. [6]final report
     * [7]Summary of Action Items

   <tbaker> Previous:

      [8] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/05/26-lld-minutes.html

   <tbaker> Scribe: rayd_

   <tbaker> Scribenick: rayd_


   no call last week, propose accept may 26 minutes

   minutes accepted

   report from summit

   (sorry i missed last minute or so phone trouble, ok now)

   <tbaker> Karen: LOD-LAM was barcamp-style. Rights. Technical issues.

   antoine: exchanging pointers to tools, great stuff, many more people
   than expected

   presented stuff from our group, lots of interest, noted about future

   talk about extending from incubator to wg, not much reaction to that


   participated in discussions on vacabularies, approches to
   preservation of rdf vocabs

   alignments, have alingment issues buble up; need for networking
   among vocab maintainers, best practices

   open source tools for producing vocabularies; very good discussion.
   Expecting a repor t in next couple months.

   too short. alot of people coming from different perspectives,

final report

   tom: charter has been extended till sept. Emanuelle will talk about
   strategy, next call


      [9] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Jun/0002.html

   recruiting reviewers from the group

   sent around notes to people who can't attend calls regularly and
   gotten good response

   we'll be seeing reviews next week or two

   benefits, recommendations, issues key three sections, go out for
   comments from general public

   then have survey sections reviewed by this group

   need to recruit four reviewers from this call

   two report sections, 3-4 pages each; vocab data sets, technologies.


   curious about whether conference was one-time or ongoing

   no concrete plans for followup meeting


   there were some informal proposals for followup.

   antoine - organization of reviews

   review to try to include as much as possible those who haven't been
   involved in writing process


     [10] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011May/0051.html

   continue the action for one week and if nothing happens drop it
   (what action?)

   emanuelle - shouldn't invest too much effort in this.

   <tbaker> ACTION: Antoine and Emmanuelle to talk about strategies for
   getting comments at next call [recorded in
   tes.html#action15] [CONTINUES]

     [11] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/05/19-lld-minutes.html#action15

   karen - idea of having a place where people can comment, that was
   for public review

   need to announce a public review period. broader than review of
   individual sections. need stragegy

   tom - proposing release individual sections june 10, 17 24

   e.g. comments june 10-july 10

   tom propose posting on those three separate weeks. no special call
   for review of survey oriented sections.

   start review period tomorrow to july 10, will give us july 10 to
   early aug then move text

   scribe: from wiki to html using publ rules. don't leave to last

   tight schedule

   karen - just posting on our mailing list wont reach community. lots
   of important people not on our list

   <antoine> +1

   scribe: how to do PR on this

   <ww> +1 (and suggest send out to many different relevant lists)

   tom - agree to general framework incl schedule and then come up with
   a PR plan


   antoine - more than pr, need to explicitly solicit comments

   <tbaker> Antoine: Emma has dug up list we used for soliciting use
   cases - list of mailing lists.

   <kcoyle> if they aren't on lld list, they will need another email
   address to send to

   what email to send comments to? Antoine: public lld is really
   public, anyone can post there


   1. on three chairs come up with a draft announcement by Monday. msg
   to community inviting comments

   (and can email chairs directly but that could be difficult to

   antoine - range of the review period. july 10 may be too early

   emanuelle - should we first finish internal review before public

   i.e. review from members will change content so we should not have
   public reviewing before we edit the content based on member review

   antoine - can't wait

   can't ask for public review with period of 2 weeks

   antoine - review period until july 20

   need to send email before next call; draft note to community about
   comment period, perhaps discuss on next call

   <tbaker> ack ACTION: Co-chairs to draft message to the community
   about review between 16 June and 20 July - post before next call, on
   16 June

   review period begins June 16

   <tbaker> ACTION: Co-chairs to draft message to the community about
   review between 16 June and 20 July - post before next call, on 16
   June [recorded in

   william - schema.org, rdfa. should we note that we have taken note

   somewhere in the report schema.org to be acknowledged

   <jeff_> I can help

   william to write something up

   <antoine> a thread has been started:

     [13] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-lld/2011Jun/0004.html

   <edsu> +1 for mentioning microdata and schema.org

   <jeff_> I'm here

   microdata or rdfa?

   <tbaker> ACTION: Jeff and William to propose text on microdata and
   schema.org - where in the report it should be discussed [recorded in

   <edsu> +1 for evolving it

   should wiki text remain frozen during comment period

   <GordonD> +1 allow wiki text to evolve (nothing stands still)

   <antoine> +. we just need to mention that in the call for review

   <edsu> antoine: good idea

   <kcoyle> maybe we should just avoid major revisions, but allow
   clarification of text

   <antoine> +1

   agree with methodology of releasing sections on three separate
   dates? (tom)

   people will be more inclined to comment if we break it into peices
   because the whole thing is overwhelmingly long

   karen - however we urge people to also look at the whole, to see if
   something is missing

   similar note to that effect in each of the three threads

   and a reminder as well in the wiki

   <antoine> kcoyle++

   benefits - karen


     [15] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-lld/2011Jun/0002.html

   karen - for other lists, maybe one section per list. how do we
   handle that. tricky.

   if discussion is generated on separate lists, some of that
   discussion will be lost. Need to get discussion focussed to publid
   lld list

   antoine - just one post.

   <GordonD> Suggest whoever forwards review email to another list
   tries to feed-back local comments to public lld list

   will continue to recruit volunteers, next call

   <GordonD> I can review Relevant technologies - I've had nothing to
   do with this section so far, so can approach with some objectivity

   <antoine> GordonD++

   <GordonD> I just got cut-off from Skype, won't try to reconnect

   tom - particularly need reviewer for use case section

   <kcoyle> maybe jodi, she did a lot of work with use cases?

   <antoine> well she has already an action on that :-)

   <tbaker> ACTION: Gordon to review Relevant Technologies [recorded in

   gordon to review relevant technologies

   <edsu> ww: relevant technologies seems like a good spot for
   microdata/schema.org discussion

   <edsu> oops, too late :)

   <ww> edsu: agreed

   <edsu> oh, there you are :)

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Co-chairs to draft message to the community about
   review between 16 June and 20 July - post before next call, on 16
   June [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Gordon to review Relevant Technologies [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Jeff and William to propose text on microdata and
   schema.org - where in the report it should be discussed [recorded in

   [PENDING] ACTION: Antoine and Emmanuelle to talk about strategies
   for getting comments at next call [recorded in

     [20] http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/minutes/2011/05/19-lld-minutes.html#action15

   [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2011 20:54:16 UTC