LLD XG strategy for getting reviews and input

Dear all,

For discussion on Thursday's call, I would like to propose the following
approach to gathering reviews and feedback over the coming weeks:

-- Recruit reviewers on the call for two report sections and the two
   separate deliverables:

   1. Available Vocabularies and Datasets (report section)

   2. Relevant Technologies (report section)

   3. Use Case Report (separate deliverable)

   4. LLD Vocabularies and Datasets (separate deliverable)

   Unlike the "mini-reviews" on the last telecon, these would be more
   substantial reviews - something on the order of the peer review for
   a journal article.

   We need four volunteers!

-- Post separate threads on public-lld for key sections of the report:

    Batch one ("Benefits") - release as five separate threads on Friday, June 10:
        3.1 "Library Linked Data": Scope of this report
        3.2.1 Benefits to Researchers, Students and Patrons
        3.2.2 Benefits to Organizations
        3.2.3 Benefits to Librarians, Archivists and Curators
        3.2.4 Benefits to Developers

    Batch two ("Recommendations") - release as six separate threads on Friday, June 17:
        7.1 Assess
        7.2 Facilitate
        7.3 Design
        7.4 Identify and link
        7.5 Prepare
        7.6 Curate

    Batch three ("Issues") - release as six separate threads on Friday, June 24:
        6.1 Designed for stability, the library ecosystem resists change
        6.2 Libraries are ill-adapted to continual technological change
        6.3 Cost of current library practices is unknown; ROI is difficult to calculate
        6.4 Data may have rights issues that prevent open publication
        6.5 Library data is expressed in library-specific formats that cannot be easily shared outside the library community
        6.6 The translation of library data into triples must consider the Graph Paradigm

    For each of these sections, we should confirm the availability of a section
    author to watch the list during those times, acknowledge and thank people
    for posting comments, and preparing a summary of comments for discussion.

-- In addition, the chairs will write to some XG members individually to
   request reviews.


Tom Baker <tom@tombaker.org>

Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2011 17:57:31 UTC