Re: [EMOXG] Use Case 3 Requirements Analysis


Just one quick point, the separation of "input events" and "output events"
follows from the way in which I view the usage of this data but is not at all
set. If it makes sense that is good, but if there is a clearer separation we can
change it.

Input and especially output events could be a big issue for this format. What
will the scope be? There could be very many types of output and many sub
divisions of types. I myself currently have 3 major output types (gesture,
attention and actions) and within one type (for character facial and body
gestures) I have 3 separate formats (individual FAPs, individual Muscles and AUs).

So do we connect to external formats or do we include a number of output formats
within this scheme? If so which ones, speech, gesture, annotations? Then which
general formats?

>From a technical perspective XML is not generally used for "real time"
applications and as such may not be suitable for some types of processing,
although this may not be a major concern?

Perhaps between the separate use cases we can find some areas of generality and
leave the specifics to external models?

Emotion AI

-----Original Message-----
From: "Kostas Karpouzis" []
Date: 23/11/2006 07:51

Hi Ian, everybody,

I was wondering if it lies within the scope of UC3 to deal with how to 

go from the 'output events' label to actual low-level (FAP, AU, etc.) 

values. If it's not, then I suppose that this is a link to an external 

file/data source/URI, right?


Ian Wilson wrote:

> I have compiled an analysis of requirements from the suggestions or use case 3.

> This use case has requirements that are very similar to those described in the

> EARL specification.


> For all those members who have registered interest in use case 3 discussions

> (Jianhua and myself, Marc, Enrico, Jean-Claude, Paolo, Alejandra, Hannes,

> Catherine and Kostas) please look over the list for the following points:


> 1. Which items do you think should be cut from the set (if any)?

> 2. Which items do you think should be added to the set (if any)?

> 3. For requirements that you specified in the original set:

>    a. Have I interpreted them correctly?

>    b. Should they be listed differently?


> These questions should be enough for us to start I think. If you have any other

> ideas let me know, thanks.


> Best,


> Ian

> Emotion AI




Received on Monday, 27 November 2006 14:03:27 UTC