Re: petnames and bookmarks (Was: petname implementation recommendation proposal)

Minor comment/edit to the proposed text:

change: "... not yet petnamed host ..."
to: ".. not yet petnamed site ..."

and change "... since the host does not ..."
to: "... because the hosting site does not ..."

Tim Hahn
IBM Distinguished Engineer

Internal: Timothy Hahn/Durham/IBM@IBMUS
phone: 919.224.1565     tie-line: 8/687.1565
fax: 919.224.2530

"Close, Tyler J." <>
Thomas Roessler <>, Mary Ellen Zurko/Westford/IBM@Iris
"" <>
03/20/2008 12:52 PM
petnames and bookmarks (Was: petname implementation recommendation 

In this week's telecon, TLR and others voiced a desire for closer 
integration between my latest petname implementation proposal and 
bookmarks. Also, I have been worried about the status quo user interaction 
for creating a bookmark, and think it can be made safer through better 
integration with petnames.

Current browsers support creating a bookmark with a single button press, 
or keystroke, and no further user interaction. The hypertext for the 
bookmark is chosen by the visited page, as expressed by the HTML TITLE 
element. Consequently, it is very easy for a blog post to get itself 
bookmarked in my browser under the name "bank account". The next time I go 
to use my "bank account" bookmark to do some online banking, I may 
inadvertently visit a blog post turned phishing site.

I think keeping the fast, one-click user action for bookmark creation is 
important, so instead of working this problem from the bookmark creation 
side, I'm going at it from the bookmark lookup side. Conformance text 

--- Begin petnamed bookmarks rec text ---

A web user agent that supports petnames MUST also support a presentation 
of bookmarks that presents the association between each bookmark and the 
petname of the hosting site. If the hosting site could be assigned a 
petname, but the user has not yet done so, the presentation MUST present 
those bookmarks as being associated with a distinct, but not yet petnamed 
host. If the hosting site cannot be assigned a petname, since the host 
does not support the previously established constraints for assignment of 
a petname, the presentation MUST indicate so. This bookmark presentation 
MUST support assignment, renaming and deletion of petnames.

--- End petnamed bookmarks rec text ---


Received on Friday, 21 March 2008 17:03:04 UTC