WSDL 1.1 External Attachment Tests

I am attaching the files for our WSDL 1.1 External Attachment tests.  See explanation below.
We had to make two namespace fixes to the testcases..
The wsa: namespace was missing
The wsp: namespace declarations were inconsistent

WSDL11_no_policy is the input WSDL for both testcases

WSDL11_ps1 and WSDL11_ps2 are the input files with policies and policy attachments for the two testcases.
Note that the PolicyAttachments are wrapped in a PolicySet wrapper.  This is how our products processes PolicyAttachments and doing it this way was simpler for us.

The two actual_interop_output_ . are the output files.


All the best, Ashok

Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2007 15:53:51 UTC