Last call review comments

Hi all, finally reading (most of) the Last Call drafts of WSDL 2 I have
the following comments that I think may not be purely editorial.

Every comment starts with the number of the relevant section.


2.1.1 "The components directly defined within a single Definitions
component are said to belong to the same target namespace."  -- what
about included components in the same namespace?

2.5.1 how does {message content model} (in particular, #element) relate
to the use of other data models (3.2)? (text should probably be added
after properties bullet list that {message content model} is not present
in that case)


2: rationale for not defaulting fault binding (at latest in 4th para)?
Is it just faultCodes not being defaultable? Should be mentioned in the

Best regards,

                   Jacek Kopecky

                   Ph.D. student researcher
                   Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Innsbruck

Received on Wednesday, 29 September 2004 12:45:12 UTC