Re: Latest primer

Comments from section 1 and 2 - section 3 comments will follow shortly:

1.1 Structure

"Section 5 described the use of WS-CDL within an organization"
"Section 5 describes the use of WS-CDL within an organization"

2 An Intro

General note: I think that para 3 should be the first para in this section, 
with the current para's 1 and 2 being moved further down (not necessarily as 
2nd/3rd, but probably lower).

1st para:
" To have them would require them to be somewhere and that somewhere would 
be, by definition, a centralization point. "
" To have them would require them centralized storage and orchestration. " 

2nd para:
" All that WS-CDl described is the ordering rules "
" All that WS-CDL describes is the ordering rules "

2nd para:
" against the WS-CDl description regardless of how they may be derived. "
" against the WS-CDL description. "

4th para:
" The distinction between SOA and Web Services is that the latter has its 
interface described using WSDL whereas the latter may not. "
" The distinction between SOA and Web Services is that the latter has its 
interface described using WSDL whereas SOA may not. "

5th para:
" Common collaborative observable behavior is the phrase we use to indicate 
describe the behavior of a system of services "
" Common collaborative observable behavior is the phrase we use to describe 
the behavior of a system of services "

5th para:
" describe the valid sequences of functions that cannot be done with WSDL or 
Java alone "
" describe the valid sequences of functions, which is not possible with WSDL 
or Java alone "

5th para: Not sure what the sentence " This level of "observable behavior" 
does not describe the order in which functions may be used. " is referring 
to - what level?

7th para:
" In effect it described the services "
" In effect it describes the services "

2.1 Using WS-CDL

1st para:
" we might also refer to this a business protocols within "
" we might also refer to this as business protocols within "

2nd para:
Might be worth referring to SOA "behavioral" goverance, as this seems to be 
heating up as a topic.

3rd para:
Need vertical standards from domains other than finance.

2.2 Why use WS-CDL

1st para:
" to lower interoperability issues, such as downtime, and "
" to lower interoperability issues, and "

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Ross-Talbot" <>
To: "'WS-Choreography List'" <>; "Monica J Martin" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:45 PM
Subject: Fwd: Latest primer

Primer up to and including section 3 for review, comments and
suggestions as to how to make it read better.

If anyone needs the XML instead of the html Yves can supply it.


Steve T

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Yves Lafon <>
> Date: 31 January 2006 21:58:35 GMT
> To: Steve Ross-Talbot <>
> Subject: Re: Latest primer
> On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Steve Ross-Talbot wrote:
>> Including a png diagram.
> Online right now at
>> Cheers
>> Steve T
> -- 
> Yves Lafon - W3C
> "Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2006 15:11:15 UTC