Implementing CR33 - the Policy approach to UsingAddressing, etc

Before I commit wholesale surgery upon the Metadata document, I want to confirm the changes. This is my understanding of the required changes.
A.   Remove section 3.2 (wsaw:Anonymous) completely - the wsaw:Anonymous element disappears completely; this makes CR32 (allowing None URI when anon=required) moot. It also makes CR31 moot, I believe.
B.   Add a section (at the end) on Policy Assertions, describing the Addressing assertion, and its two nested assertions: AnonymousResponses and NonAnonymousResponses - this section will be pretty much a cut-and-paste of David Illsley's proposal, with AddressingRequired changed to Addressing.
C.   Do we or don't we retain wsaw:UsingAddressing as a WSDL marker? I thought we were retaining it for WSDL 1.1, at least, but I'd appreciate confirmation of that. I was planning to retain all of Section 3.1 intact, except for removing 3.1.2 which describes using wsaw:UsingAddressing as a policy assertion (this makes CR34 moot, too).
D.   I am assuming that the WSDL SOAP Module is being retained as a WSDL marker in WSDL 2.0 - is that correct?
Is this an accurate summary, please? If it is, I can implement these changes and pretty much complete the surgery to the Metadata document.
Tony Rogers

Received on Wednesday, 3 January 2007 13:00:41 UTC