Re: IAB Semantic Interoperability Workshop

This is excellent that you will attend the workshop. I was mulling over 
the idea of sending a position paper but I can not travel this time due 
to other pre-planed works. I'm very much willing to collaborate on the 
same line you are thinking.


Research Engineer, EURECOM, France | +33658194342 | @skdatta2010 | Skype id: soumyakantidatta

On 09-02-2016 16:58, Dave Raggett wrote:
> The IAB is organising a workshop on Semantic Interoperability on 17-18 
> March, see:
> Hannes Tschofenig sent me these notes on the expected outcome for the 
> workshop:
>> ·  Better understanding of the state-of-the-art since there are many 
>> organizations trying to do essentially the same thing. We believe 
>> that this harms interoperability. The position papers and the 
>> workshop report will capture those aspects.
>> ·  Socializing among the members of different organizations, and 
>> other participants. We have a social event planned on the first evening.
>> Maybe during the discussions a consensus emerges of which technical 
>> solution emerges.
> I have now received authorization to attend and plan to submit a 
> position paper in the next few days.  Are any other members of the WoT 
> IG planning to attend the workshop, and would you like to collaborate 
> on the position paper?
> I believe that the Web of Things provides the outline for a technical 
> solution for a heterogenous set of platforms, but there are plenty of 
> details to be worked out. One of the topics we can discuss is the 
> relationship amongst different approaches to representing metadata and 
> how they can be related through a common underlying framework.
> —
>    Dave Raggett < <>>

Received on Tuesday, 9 February 2016 11:38:21 UTC