Re: CSS - External Examples

Hey Eliezer,

@Julee, you might want to chime in on the topic.

This is a nice catch, actually. You are right, Eliezer, we have many pages that also uses examples from other sources such as MSDN and we have a pending issue for that matter.

- list code samples who are in the pages and not in the
- flag ones that shows old ways of working (e.g.  tags in uppercase, tagsoup, etc)

And rework those in particular.

A task that we discussed in a meeting was to create a database query and get those pages.  

We should have such task created in If there is none yet; create a task (Infrastructure) and assign it to me.

It has to be worked on and the task just might have had fallen through cracks.


Renoir Boulanger | Developer operations engineer
W3C |  ✪  @renoirb

Eliezer Bernart <> wrote:

>Hey Folks!
>Now that the CSS properties are almost complete I would like to say congrats for the great step forward to finish this journey.
>For the last couple of days, reviewing some examples in older CSS properties (probably made before, I found some examples which the "View live example" link points to an external reference, sometimes to a domain from the user who wrote the example, or some examples of an affiliated page, other times to an external website not affiliated to the project.
>In most of the cases, those examples (made by the users) or imported from other websites are really helpful for beginners, so my questions are: 
>1. Should we move them to the ? 
>2. Can we track all the external live examples and check if they are under the domain?
>3. All the properties should have a live example?

Received on Monday, 21 October 2013 01:41:33 UTC