Re: Proposal for updating links on


Chris Mills
Opera Software,
W3C Fellow, web education and
Author of "Practical CSS3: Develop and Design" (

On 11 Dec 2012, at 18:24, Eliot Graff <> wrote:

> Another nit. Where companies are still named, I alphabetized the lists, with the exception of leading with "W3C".
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chris Mills []
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 9:14 AM
>> To: Suresh Chitturi
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Proposal for updating links on
>> Great suggestion Suresh - change made.
>> Chris Mills
>> Opera Software,
>> W3C Fellow, web education and Author of "Practical CSS3:
>> Develop and Design" (
>> On 11 Dec 2012, at 17:07, Suresh Chitturi <> wrote:
>>> Looks very good.
>>> Just one comment under "What is"
>>> Change:
>>> "It was founded by several stewards, including Opera, Mozilla, Google, the
>> W3C, Microsoft, Adobe, HP, Nokia and Facebook, with the aim of ...."
>>> To:
>>> "It is supported by several Stewards, with the aim of ...." (point
>>> "Stewards" to the Stewards page)
>>> Rationale:
>>> Since this section is intended to merely describe "What is"
>> the steward list may be more appropriate in the other sections. Alternatively,
>> a pointer to Stewards page makes it future proof (in the event more stewards
>> join).
>>> Suresh Chitturi
>>> Research In Motion Corporation
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Chris Mills []
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 9:03 AM
>>>> To: Jonathan Garbee
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Subject: Re: Proposal for updating links on
>>>> I've had a go at drafting some text for the proposed "About" page. Is
>>>> the kind of thing we want?
>>>> What is
>>>> is a community-driven documentation site mainly
>>>> focused on client-side web technologies. It was founded by several
>>>> stewards, including Opera, Mozilla, Google, the W3C, Microsoft,
>>>> Adobe, HP, Nokia and Facebook, with the aim of creating a definitive
>>>> resource for web developers and designers to find all the information
>>>> they need to do their job. The main part of the site is a wiki
>>>> containing tutorials, concept articles and reference docs, but we
>>>> also have a Q&A section, blog, and IRC chat, and we are aiming to
>>>> expand out capabilities in the future to include live code examples,
>> resources for educators, and more.
>>>> How the site was created
>>>> About a year ago, a small group - including people of W3C, Opera,
>>>> Microsoft, Mozilla, Google and others - started talking about a new
>>>> documentation project for information covering open web standards.
>>>> Yes, there are lots of documentation sites already available, but
>>>> some of them are low quality, out- of-date, or both. Some have great
>>>> information about some subjects, but not others. And generally it
>>>> takes web developers a lot of time to find all the information they
>>>> want. It would be great for all the information providers to get
>>>> together and produce one authoritative resource to tell web designers and
>> developers all the information they need to know to do their job.
>>>> The idea was very warmly received by all parties involved, and so we
>>>> all started solving problems together, working out an infrastructure
>>>> for the project that would scale well and handle lots of different
>>>> contributors, working out marketing and business plans, and putting
>>>> together a large list of content from different resources - such as
>>>> HTML5 rocks, MSDN, MDN and Opera's web standards curriculum - that
>>>> would act as seed content to get the project started.
>>>> philosophy
>>>> Ideally, we want this to be an ever-evolving project controlled and
>>>> written by the community, rather than a bunch of big name vendors
>>>> telling everyone what to do. The stewards are just there to provide
>>>> structure and funding. We want everyone involved in the web community
>>>> to feel they have to right to contribute new material and improve
>>>> existing articles. It's your web, documented your way.
>>>> On 11 Dec 2012, at 09:49, Chris Mills <> wrote:
>>>>> On 7 Dec 2012, at 12:28, Jonathan Garbee <> wrote:
>>>>>> Well, there should be an "about" page [1] since that issue has been
>>>>>> sitting
>>>> for quite a while.  That should be the "philosophy" if there is to be
>>>> a page for it.
>>>>> So, adding an "About/philosophy" page to the site, and changing one
>>>>> of the
>>>> links in the main navigation to "About" - yup, I think this is
>>>> definitely a good idea.
>>>>> I am happy to draft this. What do we need on there?
>>>>> 1. More detail about what webplatform is 2. Why the site was created
>>>>> 3. Philosophy behind it
>>>>> Anything else?
>>>>>> The more link also needs to go [2] since it is a UX nightmare.
>>>>>> There is no
>>>> reason to have multiple links go to the same area in the same nav
>>>> menu with different names. Should it ever have a different name in any
>> navigation item?
>>>>> Sorry - I read the bug, but I don't know what other page you are
>>>>> suggesting
>>>> adding here - it is as if a part of the explanation on the bug is
>>>> missing? Can you elaborate on this second point?
>>>>>> I also don't think we need a link to the stewards in the main navigation..
>>>> There is a block of text lower down in the page going to the stewards
>>>> page and then the footer logos on every page.
>>>>> Yeah, I agree really - I was just throwing it out there as another
>>>>> idea. But
>>>> your reaction confirms it in my mind as a bad idea.
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> [2]
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Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 18:56:48 UTC