Updated Web Payments Working Group Charter - please look for showstoppers by call Monday, 20 July.

Hi all,

It was very motivating to read the charter that was revised during my absence. Many thanks to all the people who have
sent comments to the list, and for Adrian for so diligently incorporating the feedback.

I took a pass today; here is the revised charter:

There are a few things that I believe still need to happen:

 * There is a bug in the diagram that was called out at the IG call today that I believe Adrian plans to fix.
 * There’s a request to Zach for a suggested improvement around language related to payment service providers:
 * Magda mentioned to me she may have a suggested change or two.

Ideally, at the IG call on Monday, 20 July, the Interest Group will resolve to request that W3M review the charter
and propose it to the W3C Membership.

I have not, unfortunately, created a diff view of the changes since the group began this round of reviews
of the charter. I looked at a diff from a previous version of payments-wg-charter (from June) and the diff
was not that helpful. Adrian and Manu, do you have any suggestions (e.g., github tool to help review changes)?



Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>      http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Friday, 17 July 2015 23:39:42 UTC