[payment_agent] developing a flow chart and mapping with standards and existing system


I've been trying to explain to various people, including my internal 
colleagues, the diagram at 
and I've to say that I was not very successful.

Therefore, I'm trying to find out how we could do a better job. 
Collecting various inputs, it seems that one way to make this a bit 
understandable is
1- make a flow chart that will identify various steps till the 
transaction is completed
2- instantiated the flow chart on a couple of well-known systems like 
Apple pay, paypal, currentC, google wallet to show how it works
3-highlight places where there are standards or groups working

I feel the 3rd point is very difficult as it is a mix of apis, data 
format, etc. that will varies. But at least we can make a try?

What does people think?
Do you htink it would make the diagram clearer? should we try to go that 
way and start with step 1 ?
I'm trying to find examples of such flow diagram from e.g. existing 
payment system. Any links/referenes would be helpful

Stephane Boyera        stephane@w3.org
W3C                +33 (0) 6 73 84 87 27
BP 93
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,

Received on Monday, 24 November 2014 14:39:24 UTC