Re: Good WebID demo sites?

On 16 May 2012 05:54, Henry Story <> wrote:

> is currently the one I use to do demonstrations
> with.

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. A few people mentioned
my-profile and I tried it but I'm getting an
"ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap" in Firefox (12.0/Mac) and the rendering
is messed up on Safari (5/Mac) -- looks like a menu is expanding over
the top part of the page and blocking access to the Login and Post
functions. (Screenshot: [1])

A shame, because it's a pretty polished site that would look good for
the demo. Guess I can try Chrome, but I was hoping to use Safari and
Firefox as examples at the two ends of the usability range for client
certificates. I will also look at some of the other sites in the list
that Melvin posted.

-- Michael


Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2012 15:45:55 UTC