from September 2014 by subject

[Bug 24827] Be clearer about the distinction between operations and methods

[Bug 25198] Turn KeyFormat into an enum

[Bug 25382] What error is returned when key mismatches operation?

[Bug 25383] UnknownError, DataError are also defined by Indexed DB spec

[Bug 25389] Define octet string

[Bug 25433] Wrong operations in registered algorithms table

[Bug 25468] "CONCAT" KDF only supports deriveBits, not deriveKey

[Bug 25557] Spec should allow returning NotSupportedError for reasons other than failed Algorithm normalization

[Bug 25571] Add JOSE mappings for RSA in A.1

[Bug 25607] Need to advise authors about security considerations

[Bug 25618] Extensibility: Offer spec-blessed ways to extend the algorithms and curves, rather than monkey-patching the spec

[Bug 25624] Update Promise-using language to reflect the addition of Promises to ES6

[Bug 25625] Provide a better explanation for the (informative) table in Section 18.1

[Bug 25659] AES-CBC mode does not describe concretely how padding is added

[Bug 25706] Incomplete Key Generation Definitions

[Bug 25717] Provide informative text noting when a parameter in an SPKI/PKCS8/JWK is ignored

[Bug 25721] extractable keys should be disabled by default

[Bug 25741] RSA-OAEP is under-specified when the parameters define an operation not supported by the key size

[Bug 25815] Spec encourages unsafe handling of secret data for JWK import of RSA/ECC keys

[Bug 25820] Should empty key usages be allowed when creating keys?

[Bug 25857] Extractability is not always specified when importing keys (in particular public keys)

[Bug 25912] DOMException.prototype.message is up to implementations

[Bug 25972] Please require a secure origin

[Bug 26011] Add importKey/exportKey marks for PBKDF2

[Bug 26178] ECMAScript standard library

[Bug 26214] Define consistent error when calling exportKey() with unsupported key format

[Bug 26300] Normalization: "If alg is an IDL object" is confusing

[Bug 26301] Normalization: Should through instead of returning an Error instance

[Bug 26301] Normalization: Should throw instead of returning an Error instance

[Bug 26311] Algorithm names should be enforced to be ASCII and normalized to lowercase

[Bug 26315] ECDSA/ECDH: "namedCurve ASN.1 type" is ambiguous

[Bug 26320] RsaHashedKeyAlgorithm inherits from RsaKeyAlgorithm

[Bug 26322] Definitions "algorithm" and "usages" properties of CryptoKey make no sense

[Bug 26331] Usage Intersection is defined as operating on arrays, rather than sequences

[Bug 26348] Allow JWK for PBKDF2

[Bug 26380] importKey doesn't define handling of keyData in some cases

[Bug 26411] Caller can't force JWK to be distinguished as public or private key

[Bug 26412] Asymmetric algorithms do not specify how to compute usages/extractability during importKey

[Bug 26413] Inconsistent handling of usages parameter between importKey and generateKey

[Bug 26458] Are all the API methods really returning Promise<any>, or can the return value be specified more precisely?

[Bug 26465] Algorithm normalization doesn't allow arbitrary operations for AlgorithmIdentifier fields

[Bug 26536] Length property of HmacDerivedKeyParams seems redundant

[Bug 26674] Use required dictionary entries instead of hacks with nullable

[Bug 26741] New: Reject invalid EC public keys

[Bug 26741] Reject invalid EC public keys

[Bug 26866] Add "required" to dictionary members; drop

[Bug 26866] New: Add "required" to dictionary members; drop

[Bug 26895] New: use ArrayBufferData typedef

[Bug 26895] use ArrayBufferData typedef

[Bug 26902] New: RSASSA validation of use field during JWK import is wrong

[Bug 26902] RSA SSA/PSS validation of use field during JWK import is wrong

[Bug 26903] New: Parameter validation errors should return SyntaxError not DataError

[Bug 26903] Parameter validation errors should return SyntaxError not DataError

[Bug 26905] New: PBKDF2 should support usage value of deriveBits

[Bug 26905] PBKDF2 should support usage value of deriveBits

[Bug 26911] Attempting to use a EC key with mis-matched curve should be InvalidAccessError

[Bug 26911] New: Attempting to use a EC key with mis-matched curve should be InvalidAccessError

[W3C Web Crypto WG] - our F2F meeting in Santa Clara on 30th of Oct during TPAC

[W3C Web Crypto WG] about extensions to Web Crypto specification

[W3C Web Crypto WG] CfC : Call for Consensus on the integration of new curves in Web Crypto API

[W3C Web Crypto WG] CfC : Call for Consensus on the integration of new curves in Web Crypto API - vote before the 16th of sept

[W3C web crypto WG] Exit Web Crypto API from Last Call (for WG participants only)

[W3C Web Crypto WG] new publication tool

[W3C Web Crypto WG] our next call is on 13th of October, can you make it ?

[W3C Web Crypto WG] today's agenda, including resolution to exit Last Call

crypto-ACTION-147: Review sysapps secure element discussion

Fwd: Parameter validation

How to handle invalid EC public keys

Method and operation names

New security fetaure : Looking for a home for a proposed Credential Management API.

No meeting today

On the late side again? Agenda for 2014-09-23

Parameter validation

Resolving minor bugs this week

Urgent: Register for TPAC 2014 Web Crypto F2F meeting

W3C Web Crypto WG - minutes of 29th of sept call

W3C Web Crypto WG - our next call will be on monday 29th of September @ 20:00 UTC

W3C Web Crypto WG - the web crypto next workshop is this week

W3C Web Crypto WG - Workshop outcome

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 September 2014 14:22:08 UTC