Re: [widgets] Moving to DVCS platform Re: [admin] DVCS platform at W3C

On May 4, 2010, at 14:25 , Marcos Caceres wrote:
> With the WG's permission, I would like to move the widget specs to the
> DVCS platform. Maybe we can put it on the agenda for discussion
> tomorrow.

+1 with the proviso that we put links from the old CVS version to the new stuff so people don't keep seeing outdated stuff.

Also, if we could take this opportunity to change the directory names so that they don't all start with "widgets-" it'd be nice. Some of those specs have moved on to not be widget-related anymore, and it's a PITA with autocompletion for those of us who spend a fair amount of time in there.

Robin Berjon -

Received on Tuesday, 4 May 2010 12:39:39 UTC