[manifest] manifest should be queried when app is launched from home screen (#292)

I've tested https://github.com/GoogleChrome/samples/tree/gh-pages/web-application-manifest under Chrome 39+, Add to home screen works.

However, the manifest.json is not queried when I run the app from the home screen. If I change a manifest property like orientation, it will not update. If I run the page again from Chrome, Add to home screen creates a second icon, now I have two icons for my app, one in landscape, the other one in portrait.

I believe add to home screen should create some application hash based on relevant manifest properties (say, name) so that it could detect I want to update an existing home screen app, instead of creating a second link. For this to work, the manifest should be queried on app launch, and it should also update.

What do you think ?

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