Re: [XHR] XMLHttpRequest() Constructor

On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:20:48 +0200, Cameron McCormack <>  
> Lachlan Hunt:
>> The XMLHttpRequest spec doesn't actually define what object is returned
>> by the XMLHttpRequest() constructor.  It should define that an object
>> implementing the XMLHttpRequest interface must be created and returned.
>> Alternatively, the spec could just include a supplemental IDL for for
>> the Window interface, but that would require Bindings4DOM to include the
>> suggested "[Supplement]" idea [1], or similar.
> I think using [Constructor]ยน on the interface should be sufficient for
> the UA to be required to have the constructor on the window object.

How would that look on the interface?

   "[Constructor] interface XMLHttpRequest { ... };"


> Should the Bindings spec require that the constructor return an object
> that implements that interface?

That would make sense I think.

Also, when will Web IDL define all the DOMString versus null versus  
undefined thingies? XMLHttpRequest needs some of that too.

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:42:14 +0200, Lachlan Hunt  
<> wrote:
> The second example in section 4 "The XMLHttpRequest Object" states:
>    "If iframe is a Window object client will have a pointer to
>     iframe.document in the following example"
> There needs to be a comma after "Window object".


Thanks guys! Kind regards,

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 12 May 2008 15:20:42 UTC