Re: Selectors API Method Names

Hi, Maciej-

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>> Similarly, with selectorQuery() (which is better), you lose the verby 
>> "action word" of the existing naming convention (getAByB); 
>> selectorQuery sounds more like a property than a method.
> querySelector or matchSelector or similar would keep the verb phrase 
> pattern.

True.  Of those, I would much prefer matchSelector()... which is, for me 
at least, easier to type and less ambiguous.

Not that this is at all evidential, but querySelector sounds like you're 
asking the selector a question ("Hi, Selector, how's your day?"), while 
selectElement and matchSelector sound like commands ("Selector, go get 
me some elements!").

I still much prefer selectElement*(), fwiw.


Received on Monday, 2 July 2007 19:17:24 UTC