Re: Selectors API updates

On Tue, 09 Jan 2007 23:08:01 +0100, Anne van Kesteren <>  
> Now I'm wondering whether we need Element.matchesSelector(). Basically  
> you pass it a group of selectors and it returns true or false depending  
> on whether or not the element would've been matched. The use case so far  
> given is that this would make it possible to implement constructs like  
> XBL <content includes=""> in JavaScript. I assume there are others, but  
> I'm wondering whether it's really worth it.
> When that last issue is resolved I think the specification is ready for  
> Last Call (again).

I was told the above can wait to a future version. I don't really see the  
immediate need either and the suggestion has come up twice so far in  
slightly different ways without really convincing use cases so I suggest  
we move this specification to Last Call.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 9 January 2007 23:14:46 UTC