Re: Proposal for mousewheel events

Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
> So, an *asynchronous* XMLHttpRequest does not block the running javascript
> thread. 


> But a *synchronous* call does block the running javascript thread, and 
> no redraws happen in between.

The statement after the comma is false.

> I don't think you can simply "fix" this, because you'll break the single-threadedness of javascript.

Single-threadedness and non-reentrancy are not the same thing, fwiw.

> Firefox and IE do not redraw as long as the javascript code is running.

Firefox certainly redraws during synchronous XMLHttpRequest calls.

> So what I mean with forbidding a redraw is that the 2 events run in the
> same javascript thread.

Again, everything in Firefox runs on a single thread.  "Redraws" (which you 
never defined) can happen (or at least both layout and painting can happen) 
between the mouseup and click events.


Received on Monday, 10 April 2006 22:03:17 UTC