from October 2013 by subject

[3dweb] Stereoscopic 3D Web CG is proposed

[api] minutes - 30 October 2013

[api] My Action Items 156 and 157 - Push and SSE

[apis] [ACTION-162] Review File API & File API: Writer for Media APIs gap analysis

[apis] A look at MSE - Gap analysis

[apis] Agenda (Was: reminder: Media APIs TF teleconference today)

[apis] Agenda, Media APIs TF teleconference, 2013-10-30

[apis] Gap analysis and NSD

[apis] Gap analysis for “Encrypted Media Extensions”

[apis] Gap Analysis on Requirement 17 "Tuner Control"

[apis] Gap Analysis on Requirement 18 "Channel Identification"

[apis] Gap Analysis on Requirement 19 "Content Streaming"

[apis] Gap Analysis on Requirement 9 "Context-based and targeted Service Aggregation"

[apis] minutes - 16 October 2013

[apis] minutes - 2 October 2013

[apis] My Action Items

[apis] reminder: Media APIs TF teleconference today

[apis] Reminder: Media APIs TF teleconference, 2nd October 2013

[apis] Remote DOM Community Group

[apis] Review of ACTION-146: Update use cases 6 & 7 based on comments.

[apis] Review of UC6/7 on broadcast video support and channel bound apps

[apis] TF meeting minutes (Was: [apis] reminder: Media APIs TF teleconference today)

[apis] Update HNReq note or publish new document

[apis] volunteers for spec review / gap analysis

[apis] WebRTC - Gap analysis

[testing] minutes - 23 October 2013

[testing] minutes - 9 October 2013

Fwd: Forwarded Invite to Discussion of EME at the European Parliament, Oct. 15, 11:00-13:00

Media Resource In-band Tracks Community Group Launched

NSD API security

회신: Re: [apis] Review of UC6/7 on broadcast video support and channel bound apps

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 October 2013 15:21:31 UTC