Re: "Process 101" final requirements and rough concept draft

Thanks, Judy.

> - on "is LCWD the last stage?" i also think that we need to address the 
> question "is LCWD the *first* stage?" based on the kind of 
> misunderstandings that I've seen

I amended the bullet above it from "What public input has gone into the process so far?" to "Has any public input has gone into the draft so far?"

> - on "Target audience has little or no knowledge of W3C Process, and 
> many don't know much about standards development or such" I think that a 
> related and important issue could be added here:
> "...and because of the large international impact of WCAG, 
> misunderstandings about the document stage can cause significant 
> concerns for parties that may be impacted by the final standard"

Since this isn't related to audience, and is a significant driver for the entire document, I added it at the beginning.

Doc updated at:

~ Shawn

Received on Tuesday, 1 August 2006 21:08:34 UTC