Re: html4 vs html5 and "superseded RECs" when there isn't a new REC

On 03/07/2012 04:03 AM, Carr, Wayne wrote:
> My original post was not issue 2 (what I was asking for was snipped out in what's below).   HTML4 isn't a superseded REC because html5 isn't a REC.   That was the point.  But, HTML5 is defacto the new html spec and it will take a very long time to get to REC even though it is widely implemented.  We should do something in the html4 REC to at least point to html5.
> The suggestion was to put a note in the HTML4 spec pointing to the latest html5 TR WD.  (and keeping that up to date is a different issue - but it's better than not indicating anything in the old and out of date official REC).

The CSSWG effectively did this with CSS2.1 and CSS2. You can see the note here:

I don't see why the HTMLWG can't do the same with HTML4.


Received on Thursday, 22 March 2012 00:35:10 UTC