Re: action status type

Is this potential action stuff, including the -input and -output constraints 
and their alternative textual representation being considered as a possible 
representation for actions in the Social Web WG?


On 11/01/2014 01:09 PM, Jason Douglas wrote:
> Yes, potential actions are a "template" for future action instances and
> therefore a bit different.  For example, it doesn't make much sense to use the
> *-input stuff on completed actions.
> We did try several iterations of the proposal where action templates were a
> distinct class hierarchy, but discarded them as unusable.
> -jason
> We did several iterations where these were kept separate, including this
> published one... but in the end felt the
> On Wed Oct 29 2014 at 11:04:40 AM Peter F. Patel-Schneider
> < <>> wrote:
>     I was just looking at some aspects of actions in
>     <>
>     I noticed that actions can have a status with belongs to ActionStatusType, an
>     enumeration with three members - ActiveActionStatus, CompletedActionStatus,
>     and PotentialActionStatus.
>     It seems to me that the active and completed status is for particular actions,
>     e.g., playing a piece of music on my laptop.  Potential status appears to be
>     better suited for action types, e.g., playing a piece of music for whoever
>     requests it, and not for particular actions.  This appears to be a
>     mismatch to me.
>     Similarly, potential actions on things appear to be action types, not actions.
>     How are these issues resolved?
>     peter

Received on Saturday, 1 November 2014 20:57:28 UTC