from March 2014 by subject

[Security] Requiring Changing W3C Passwords

Fwd: Conversion of 608/708 captions to WebVTT - how to map the colour green

Issue-285 multiple row alignment with flex

ISSUE-302 (line spacing vs line height): Should background of a span be height of text in line or computed lineHeight? [TTML2]

ISSUE-303 (<a> link element): Permit HTML-style <a> elements to contain href links [TTML2]

New last call for css3-flexbox

scheduling TTWG meeting at TPAC 2014

{agenda} TTWG Meeting 13/3/2014

{agenda} TTWG Meeting 20/3/2014

{agenda} TTWG Meeting 27/3/2014

{agenda} TTWG Meeting 6/3/2014

{minutes} TTWG Meeting 13/3/2014

{minutes} TTWG Meeting 20/3/2014

{minutes} TTWG Meeting 27/3/2014

{minutes} TTWG Meeting 6/3/2014

Last message date: Thursday, 27 March 2014 15:07:29 UTC