scheduling TTWG meeting at TPAC 2014


TPAC 2014 will be held 27-31 October 2014 in Santa Clara, CA at the 
Santa Clara Marriott.

We should discuss the meeting within the TTWG and with other groups with 
which we would like to meet.
Consider the importance of face-to-face group and cross-group meetings, 
vis a vis any restrictions on travel our participants may be facing.

Technical Plenary Day: 29 October: 08:30-14:45
W3C 20th Anniversary Symposium: 29 October: 15:00-18:00

Therefore, proposal is to meet Monday/Tuseday or Thursday/Friday.

For info:
HTML is planed to meet Thursday/Friday.
CSS is likely to meet Monday/Tuseday.

The chair should complete the following questionnaire by 30 April 2014:



Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 13:43:21 UTC