Re: White House event

As Aleecia said, yesterday was a big news day for privacy in the U.S.
 The White House announced their Privacy Bill of Rights.  And, more
directly relevant for this group, the advertising industry, through
the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), announced that they would move
toward adoption of DNT.  The DAA and its members deserve tons of
credit for taking this step and making a strong commitment to follow

The DAA's statement said the group would "add browser-based header
signals to the set of tools by which consumers could express their
preferences under the DAA Principles", and the statement referred to a
"browser based header signal uniform consumer choice mechanism".   The
White House put it more succinctly, saying that DAA members "are
committing to use Do Not Track technology from the World Wide Web

DAA participating companies have been playing key roles in this
working group from the very beginning, as editors of both DNT
documents, drafters of text, and mainstays of the email discussion.
Many of our best ideas have come from DAA participants, and it was a
DAA participant who initially asked the W3C to convene this group.  By
my count, eighteen members of the working group come from DAA
participating companies.

Now that the DAA is committed to the success of the DNT technology,
it's especially important to keep moving toward completing the
standards that define the DNT technology.

DAA statement:
White House fact sheet:

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 4:13 AM, Aleecia M. McDonald
<> wrote:
> Greetings,
> If anyone has not seen the press yet, there is an event on privacy on Thursday at the White House. DNT is part of the discussion.
> It's an exciting time for user privacy, industry self-regulation groups, and some of our working group members. There have been rumors flying for two months now. I think we're going to be able to get a lot more work done once the dust clears.
> In the short term, (I suspect some of the editors and) I have been distracted by this event, which has slowed work on the compliance draft. Feel free to take a look -- it's coming together -- but we are not quite as far along as I'd hoped. The odds of publishing the Second Public Working Draft on Feb 29th are dimming, but we are not looking at a large slip if there is one.
> In the longer term, the Tracking Protection Working Group continues just as it has been: a fora for stakeholders from a variety of perspectives to work out differences and come to consensus agreements. The self-regulation groups, and their members, are important inputs to that process. That said, we encompass a wide variety of other views and stakeholders. We will naturally be likely to up with different end points than US industry groups.
> And a by now familiar request from me -- kindly recall we have more months of working together. If you're going to grouse at someone, take it off the list and calls, please. I will endeavor to do the same.
> Thanks to all of you for your hard work so far. When the swirl dies down, there will more work to do, first in getting the next drafts out ASAP, and then as we turn to locking down some of the big issues we've been slowly teasing apart. The next few months will not be dull.
>        Aleecia

Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 11:01:40 UTC