Re: Agenda: Global considerations F2F meeting 11-12 Berlin


To be clear, I'm suggesting that you have not yet assembled the proper stake holders to discuss DNT in contexts outside of Europe and the US.  I am neither an expert or scholar of privacy laws, regulation, code, culture or conduct outside of the US, and I've not seen that you have assembled qualified stake holders with such regional/jurisdictional expertise (global domain experts), except those from European nations and the US.  Not to be trite, but the idea that we could adequately represent entire continents that are clearly missing from your table is akin to 1700s Spanish Conquistadors claiming that their representation of indigenous people/cultures was "adequate".  

Respectfully, this is your forum in which I participate, but I think it your (W3Cs) responsibility, not mine, to assemble the proper global representation if you are to call this a "global" initiative. My interest, outside that of my US constituency, is if we are to claim a "global standard" or "global considerations", that we truly consider ALL global considerations and global stake holders-- to do that properly, they need to be represented here properly, and I've yet to see them.  

As I've stated time and again, a sense of "urgency" is not nearly good enough reason to rush this process to an outcome that has not properly vetted all views, unless of course, you label it accurately: "European Considerations" or "Western World Considerations." Given your stated personal constraints, maybe we just do that-- rename this group and it's initiative to properly represent it's agenda and representation?



Sent from my BlackBerry...

Chris Mejia
Digital Supply Chain Solutions
IAB Ad Technology Group
347-949-8279 Mobile

----- Original Message -----
From: Rigo Wenning []
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 03:11 PM
To: Chris Mejia
Cc: '' <>; '' <>; '' <>; Mike Zaneis; '' <>; '' <>
Subject: Re: Agenda: Global considerations F2F meeting 11-12 Berlin


are you suggesting to change one agenda item to talk about the APEC 
enforcement agreement? Can you point me to interested stakeholders from 
Asia? That would be great. 

Of course this will start off with the European considerations as the 
agenda is dictated by the Draft EU Regulation and the need for a user 
control mechanism that could work and get the debate to a higher level, 
get usability considerations into the debate etc. 

W3C has a host in Japan and one in China. Asia is normally rather a 
follower in the area of data protection. Once the dust has settled a bit 
over the EU considerations, we will take into account the Asian market. 

Australia is special. My friend Malcolm Crompton was federal data 
commissioner there. He urged me to take the APEC guidelines on board. 

So there are plans, but there is little time. I'm grateful for all 
possibilities to get more involvement from Asia that does not involve me 
making things personally, as I have too long a task-list to be really 
effective getting it off the ground. 


On Sunday 24 February 2013 18:50:10 Chris Mejia wrote:
> Since this workshop is entitled "Global Considerations" I'm Just
> wondering how POVs from Africa, Asia, Pan Pacific/Oceana (including
> Australia and New Zealand) and South America are going to be
> represented here? From the agenda, I'd recommend re-titling this
> particular workshop as "European Considerations" or "Western
> Considerations" to be more representative of the actual agenda,
> participation and motive.  Otherwise, Rigo, can you please outline
> what true global outreach W3C has done (beyond the US and Europe) to
> assemble this meeting and it's agenda?  I'm not being cheeky, at all.
> If this is to be a true "global standard" then I dare say that W3C
> still has quite a bit of work to do in assembling a truly global set
> of stake holders. 

Received on Sunday, 24 February 2013 21:50:45 UTC