WebIDL to Anolis source?


Sorry to bother you with a productivity issue.

In [1] Anolis is recommended for generating the specifications from a
raw .src.html file.
This would be fine, but one important step is missing: from me to the
Anolis source. It is extremely inconvenient to write the Anolis
src.html files in text editor. It is a total aberration and a crime
against human eyes to write specifications like this, it's unreadable
and needs many times more time to write, or find and correct
something. For younger eyes this may be OK, but for me it's
unbearable. Using ReSpec is better, but not by much.

I would like to write WebIDL code with Doxygen-like comments and
annotations, and would need a tool for generating the Anolis src.html
from this. These are equivalent information.

I think it would be possible to do this with widlproc (by generating
XML out of WebIDL by widlproc and then HTML from XML by xsltproc,
based on a HTML template). We used to use this for generating the
Tizen Web API specifications, and worked fine. We'd need a template
for W3C/Anolis, and it should work in a similar way.

Does anyone have a better solution to this problem?
I can't believe everyone is writing source text for Anolis/W3C, so
likely there is (?) a solution.

Best regards,

[1] http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Howto_spec

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2012 12:53:01 UTC