RE: Options we have with respect to the draft charters (i.e., RE: [fwd] Draft charters for work on Semantics for WS)

I recommend this 87-page paper "Towards a Semantic Web for Culture" by Kim
H. Veltman which can be accessed at:  

The so-called "Semantic Web" in nature is "logical Web", the result is even
XML people cannot understand RDF/OWL due to those logics and the way of RDF
presentation. That's why this technology is not well accepted and deployed.
That's why I said here before, the more complex the system, the less the
user. It's the same to developing semantic Web services.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Brickley
Sent: 11/21/05 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: Options we have with respect to the draft charters (i.e., RE:
[fwd]  Draft charters for work on Semantics for WS)

Drew McDermott wrote:

>>BTW, why is it said that "the current WSDL standard operates at the
>>syntactic level"?  What is any more semantic about the things that
>>are labelled "semantic"?
>By old and well established usage, "semantic" means "complex,
>expressive, insightful, ours," contrasted with "syntactic," which
>means "simple, weak, error-prone, theirs."
>It would be nice to avoid this term completely, but then we'd have to
>change the name "Semantic Web."
Heh, I'm sympathetic... We could always go back to talking about a 
'Resource Description Framework', ie a framework for describing ... 
things. But too late there I think; although the original idea was an 
incrementally extended framework,  most folks now see RDF==triples, too 
limiting a concept to be the overall umbrella term for this effort.



Received on Monday, 21 November 2005 16:04:16 UTC