Re: Question about OWL-S sequence

Quoting Drew McDermott <>:

> > [Jeff Dalton]
> > Can the same process instance appear in more than one sequence?
> > 
> > The general problem I'm wondering about is how to specify an
> > arbitrary partial order.
> There is no way to specify an arbitrary partial order.  It wouldn't be
> hard to add one, given that every process occurrence can be referred
> to by its URI.  

Ok, but why can't I use the URIs of process occurrences to put
them in multiple sequences and use them to specify the partial
order.  For example, if I wanted A before B, B before C, and B
before D, I could use something like this:

    (sequence URI-for-A URI-for-B)
    (sequence URI-for-B URI-for-C)
    (sequence URI-for-B URI-for-D))

What is it in OWL-S that disallows that approach?

-- Jeff

Received on Sunday, 9 May 2004 18:37:28 UTC