Physical web project

Dear Scott

cc Iain Dickinson, Danbri (who also also follow you on twitter)
Martin Voigt, W3C SWISI community co-chair
SWISIg PUBLIC mailing list

I read with interest about your project here

and learn about a proposed requirement of a 'standard' to support such
a universal interface

 I am happy to see work done in this direction,  there is a need for it

I develop universal systems interfaces,  writing a paper on the subject

together with fellow practitioners  2012   started a W3C commjunity  SWISI

here is a summary of our members activities in this space

one of our goals is to start  work (brainstorming, analysis of the
field, requirements gathering etc)  toward such a standard

your projects resonates with many of us

 we would welcome your input and contribution at any level

- What can this community do to support the vision for your project?

- What input can you provide to stimulate our community  to
consolidate  vision of such a standard?

Please consider joining this community, or give us a remnote talk (a
short video or research note) addressing the community   with
suggestions/idea of how to go forward,

Hope to connect soon

Best regards

Paola Di Maio,

Received on Sunday, 5 October 2014 09:56:05 UTC