Re: modified title page and data integration image

It was Ivan Herman who said at the right time 18.07.2007 10:39 the 
following words:
> Thanks Dunja!
> reaction below
> Dunja Ewinger wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> please see here the modified title page:
> I am sorry, but I do not like those at all... those wavy images really
> hurt my eyes. Sorry, but, really a -100 for me...:-(
Motivated by this feedback, I scribbled another design for the frontpage 
on a piece of paper, attached. The idea is not to use straight lines, 
but the RDF triples (lines connecting nodes) as background and to use 
three different keys/buttons as "w""w""w" placeholders.
But you can safely ignore this, I am rather happy if we have a flyer 
soon than one that is equally beautiful in everyones eyes.

>> The designer created 3 versions of a data integration image. They are
>> all based on Leo's version.
> I like #2. It is clear, clean, and to the point!
I go with ivan on #2.

The thing was intended as circle, as a kind of circulation engine, from 
"generating new content" there should be a pointer going to "database" 
saying "new data is stored in database".


> Thanks Dunja!
> Ivan
>> Looking forward to your opinion.
>> Cheers,
>> Dunja

DI Leo Sauermann 

Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer 
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Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2007 14:34:20 UTC