Re: [SE] Composite Identification Schemes on the Semantic Web


SE is such a broad discipline that it is always dangerous to over
generalise, as I am sure you will appreciate. Nevertheless, I think this
all comes down to the 'richness' of the identification schemes needed to
formally conceptualise the embodiment of a specification, idea or domain -
a core issue for Software Engineers IMHO. Hence the reason for raising
composite identification schemes in the SETF. Your further thoughts on this
would of course, however, be valued.

As for examples, I would rather not 'steal the thunder' of those
specifically concentrating on this area if you don't mind. I understand
that Tom Croucher (who is specifically working on Composite IFP concepts)
may soon be formally applying to join the SWBP and he is far more in tune
with this area than I am. As such perhaps we could ask Tom to help us
further here?

This also looks like a topic that we should pick up on the next  SE telecon
(Tuesday next week).


Phil Tetlow
Senior Consultant
IBM Business Consulting Services
Mobile. (+44) 7740 923328

             Daniel Oberle                                                 
   >                                              To 
                             , Phil    
             27/01/2005 04:38          Tetlow/UK/IBM@IBMGB                 
                                       Re: [SE] Composite Identification   
                                       Schemes on the Semantic Web         

Hi Phil and Bernard (CC SETF),
I was following this thread, had a look at the referenced
papers and also

Of course, composite identification schemes are a hot topic
for the Semantic Web in general. But why is it so important when
discussing Semantic Web and in particular software engineering?
Can you give me a simple example? I'm probably ignorant on this
topic, but I don't see the motivation to discuss it in our task force.
In particular I don't find it reading

Please make me get rid of my ignorance ;-)


Received on Thursday, 27 January 2005 10:34:46 UTC