[comment] RE: Lists of Values [OEP}

Hello Alan,
A few quick comments. First, I think the title of your note is slightly
misleading.  You are talking about design patterns for properties whose
domain values are drawn from a finite enumeration.  That's an important
design choice, for sure.  On the Jena support list, however, we see a number
of requests for assistance from people who want to model multi-valued
properties whose value order is preserved in the model.  A natural term for
this is "list of values", and a common approach (that's outside OWL-DL) is
to sub-class rdf:List.

Other comments from a very quick skim:

* the HTML title of your document doesn't match the title in the text
("defining N-ary relations on the semantic web" vs "representing lists of
values in owl")

* the disjointness axiom in Medium_health_value references the non-class

* the union in Health_value references the non-class Good_health

* I thought the "general issue" section was over-brief.  In particular,
after just one sentence of describing the issue you jump to what some
software engineers call "solution language" - describing the solution rather
than the problem.  For example, in the discussion of the two presented
patterns you raise the question of whether the values can be later further
sub-divided.  But that's not a requirement that gets mentioned in the
general issue section, so why answer a question you haven't asked?

* there are a number of minor typographical errors, but I assume you will do
a proper editing review prior to publication.

Hope that helps.


Ian Dickinson   HP Labs, Bristol, UK      mailto:ian.dickinson@hp.com
net www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Ian_Dickinson       ph +44 (117) 312 8796

> -----Original Message-----
> From: public-swbp-wg-request@w3.org 
> [mailto:public-swbp-wg-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Alan Rector
> Sent: 16 June 2004 09:44
> To: McBride, Brian
> Cc: Guus Schreiber; Natasha Noy; best-practice
> Subject: Re: Lists of Values [OEP}
> All
> Here is yet another revised version using Health rather than 
> anything intrinsically quantitative as the quality and with, 
> I hope, the other comments responded to.  The diagrams seem 
> bigger now here.  I hope they come through for others.  There 
> remain some odd things with comments some of which have come 
> out underlined instead of italicised in some browsers for 
> reasons I haven't had time to dig into the HTML to spot. 
> Comments and touch ups please. I hope this can now go out as 
> a first working draft. Good luck. Regards Alan "McBride, Brian" wrote:
> > Summary: A few comments; figure 3 must be fixed but nothing 
> else that 
> > should stand in the way of WD publication.

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2004 05:46:39 UTC