Re: Use cases - friending

On 21 Sep 2014, at 18:29, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <> wrote:

> On 09/21/2014 05:21 PM, Evan Prodromou wrote:
>> On 14-09-20 01:30 PM, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
>> We have a lot of use cases listed here:
> "Friending: As a user on a social network, I would like to add other
> social network users to my friends list, and vice versa, as a basis for
> further interaction."
> maybe we could fiddle with that all together? :)
> next week i would like to export lists of my friendships and followings
> from twitter, facebook and google+, then publish it on my independent
> website:
> for now NOT trying to handle friending/following interaction itself but
> just publish who i know and who knows me! plus maybe publishing later in
> my personal feed activity about establishing such new relationships
> i plan to use JSON-LD + vocab + hydra:Collection. while
> working on that i could try to compare it with how other people here do
> it with Microformats, FOAF, AS2.0 Collections etc.

That seems like a very good use case. 

What is needed is just a way to notify someone - given their WebID [1] -
that one has added them to one's list of friends with a message.
It is really easy to specify a very simple "protocol" along Web2.0 lines.
as described in the paper "Friending on the Social Web" 
But we should now be able to extend this for LDP in a way that would
be much more extensible.

The nice thing about LDP is that we don't need to care wether we use JSON-LD
or Turtle or even RDF/XML. We can specify this in terms of: 

 1. given a WebID find the messaging LDPC for that WebID - perhaps a specialised
    friending Messaging LDPC. 
 2. POST a friending graph - what would that look like

That seems to be about it. The person to whome the friend request has been
made can then do the same thing symmetrically.




Social Web Architect

Received on Sunday, 21 September 2014 16:44:22 UTC