from September 2014 by thread

Updated Editor's Drafts James M Snell (Tuesday, 30 September)

Draft Minutes of the 30th September Meeting Owen Shepherd (Tuesday, 30 September)

Draft Minutes for the Sept 30th call Harry Halpin (Tuesday, 30 September)

Activity and Actions Vocabulary, Examples James M Snell (Tuesday, 30 September)

Activity and Actions Vocabulary James M Snell (Tuesday, 30 September)

Social Web WG agenda for 30 September 2014 Arnaud Le Hors (Friday, 26 September)

Minutes of 23 September 2014? Arnaud Le Hors (Friday, 26 September)

ACTION-2: Describe how as2 diverges from json-ld and manages the compatibility ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Thursday, 25 September)

JSON-LD vs. JSON: pro vs. con? Harry Halpin (Wednesday, 24 September)

Re: The Vocabulary, governance, etc. ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Wednesday, 24 September)

Proposal: continuing with 2+ alternative drafts in parallel ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Wednesday, 24 September)

Use Cases to support work of Social WG Crawford, Mark (Tuesday, 23 September)

Invited Expert request: Updates Harry Halpin (Tuesday, 23 September)

Minutes 2014-09-09 Andreas Kuckartz (Tuesday, 23 September)

Agenda for Social WG teleconference 2014 Sep 23 Markus Lanthaler (Tuesday, 23 September) examples repo + w3c-social orga (github) ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Tuesday, 23 September)

Meeting with team during TPAC ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Monday, 22 September)

Social Web WG Minutes of 16 September 2014 Arnaud Le Hors (Monday, 22 September)

Urgent: Register for Social Web at TPAC today! Harry Halpin (Monday, 22 September)

Activity Streams Vocabulary James M Snell (Sunday, 21 September)

Github adds JSON-LD support in core product (+ ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Sunday, 21 September)

Use cases Evan Prodromou (Saturday, 20 September)

Agenda for Social WG teleconference 2014 Sep 23 Evan Prodromou (Saturday, 20 September)

On the late side again? Agenda for 2014-09-23 ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Saturday, 20 September)

Discussions about mission and governance + TPAC Social meeting invite! ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Thursday, 18 September)

Collections - comparing Hydra, LDP, AS2.0, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Tuesday, 16 September)

social-ACTION-4: Add "what is the role of social wg, ig and cg?" as an faq to Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 16 September)

Slidedeck: W3C Social in 5min ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Tuesday, 16 September)

Likely regrets Harry Halpin (Tuesday, 16 September)

Re: [Moderator Action] Re: [sysreq #8420] Re: broken list: Harry Halpin (Monday, 15 September)

ACTION-3 comparing as:Activity || schema:Action ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Saturday, 13 September)

Comparisons - AS2,, Microformats, Hydra, LDP ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Saturday, 13 September)

Microformats in JSON ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Friday, 12 September)

[Lecture] REST, Hypermedia, and the Semantic Gap: Why "RMM Level-3 REST" is not enough ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Friday, 12 September)

Social Web WG agenda for 16 September 2014 Arnaud Le Hors (Friday, 12 September)

Minutes from 09 September Sandro Hawke (Thursday, 11 September)

broken list: ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Tuesday, 9 September)

Social data /syntax/ vs Social data /vocabulary/ Owen Shepherd (Monday, 8 September)

Social syntax requirements and candidates Evan Prodromou (Monday, 8 September)

Social Web WG agenda for 9 September 2014 Evan Prodromou (Monday, 8 September)

[Use Case] Check-In (AS2 + Action Handlers | Hydra | | LDP) ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Friday, 5 September)

[Teleconf] Agenda for 2014-09-09 ? ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Friday, 5 September)

Related Organizations and who represents which one ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Thursday, 4 September)

Re: [AS2] Deprecate "url" in favor of "id" and "self" link relations James M Snell (Thursday, 4 September)

RE: [AS2] Deprecate "url" in favor of "id" and "self" link relations Markus Lanthaler (Thursday, 4 September)

Reminder: IndieWebCamp UK 2014 is this weekend 2014-09-06..07 in Brighton, UK Tantek Çelik (Wednesday, 3 September)

F2F meeting at TPAC Arnaud Le Hors (Wednesday, 3 September)

Fwd: Live stream from the hypermedia panel discussion at API Craft on Monday 28th (tomorrow) ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Tuesday, 2 September)

Regrets for 9/2 Evan Prodromou (Tuesday, 2 September)

Comparing Activity Streams / / Hydra (former: 'Fwd: applies W3C Patent Policy') ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Tuesday, 2 September)

Social Web WG agenda for 2 September 2014 Arnaud Le Hors (Monday, 1 September) applies W3C Patent Policy Harry Halpin (Monday, 1 September)

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 September 2014 22:34:41 UTC