Re: Use cases

On 14-09-20 01:30 PM, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
> Hi Evan,
> On 09/20/2014 06:25 PM, Evan Prodromou wrote:
>> Second, because it will set our schedule back for literally months.
>> Constructing a use-case document with the hundreds of use cases for
>> social data and APIs is a massive effort. I'd probably put the work at
>> 2-4 months, maybe 6 months. I think if we push our schedule well into
>> 2015, and our only output is a use-case document, we'll lose our momentum.
> How about starting with ONE *real life* use case? I see no reason to
> pile up hundreds of them but at the same time having NO USE CASE at all
> doesn't sound practical to me.

We have a lot of use cases listed here:

...and we have a loose set of requirements based on those use cases, here:

I'm not crazy about all the use cases -- there are a lot of use cases 
that aren't related to interoperability standards -- but they're 
probably OK to start off with.

If there's an argument about particular points in these requirements 
that we need to hash out (like, "Does it have to be JSON-based?"), I'd 
love to discuss them.


Received on Sunday, 21 September 2014 15:22:12 UTC