Can RDFa be used on XML: pharma information

I am working on improving the semweb markup on an Australian government 
Department of Health and Aging website, which has HTML and XML versions 
of the medicines allowed for prescription and the amount the government 
pays. It has various links to interesting documents, and we want to make 
it more semweb friendly.

Here are two example pages to give you the idea (they have different 
selections of data): 

We are doing some general things like improving the microformats (DC and 
hproduct) in the HTML.

But the plan was to decorate the XML (which has extra information)  with 
the appropriate RDFa, which seems perfect. But now I see that the RDFa 
spec says that RDFa is designed for use on XHTML. We do no want to use 
it that way, we want to augment the XML.

So I was wondering if anyone here had any advice? I see the choices

 1) Convert to old RDF or some other format and making this available 
too: but we really don't want to do this (an extra thing to maintain, 
more bandwidth, etc)

 2) Just ploughing ahead and using RDFa on XML even if nothing can use 
it. (Would that be the case?)

 3) Err, Something clever from people on this list.

Any ideas about what people do with RDF?

Rick Jelliffe

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 09:21:41 UTC