Re: introductions: Robin McEntire, GSK

I'm Robin McEntire, Director Knowledge-Based Systems, at GlaxoSmithKline. 
I've been involved in the knowledge representation and ontologies field 
for some time, and with bio-ontologies in particular.  In my current 
position at GSK, I'm responsible for identifying new technologies that 
could help our organisation and to leverage those technologies internally, 
targetting specific problems in the pharmaceutical business.  Many of the 
problems we face in a knowledge-based industry are centered around the 
ability to identify appropriate information (for scientists and 
decision-makers) how to manage that information (and knowledge) and how to 
provide all this in a meaningful, digestible form to those who need it. 
The Semantic Web brings together a number of technologies and so there is 
a lot of relevance to what we do.


Received on Thursday, 1 December 2005 21:52:52 UTC