Re: Enumerations: courseMode <CourseMode>, courseDigitalFormat <CourseDigitalFormat>, accessibilityPhysicalFeature <AccessibilityPhysicalFeature>

On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 10:18 AM, Phil Barker <> wrote:

> On 01/06/16 15:49, Wes Turner wrote:
>> On Wednesday, June 1, 2016, Phil Barker < <mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>     AccessibilityPhysicalFeature
>>     - I think this is beyond our competence. Physical accessibility
>>     for events / locations needs to be considered in a much wider
>>     context than Courses and by people who understand the issues
>>     involved. I would rather leave it to a different working group.
>>     (This incidentally is what LRMI did for accessibility of creative
>>     works, and it worked out quite well.)
>> So it was in scope for LRMI.
> No, it was ruled out of scope for LRMI. We passed it elsewhere.

Got it. So:

I'll create another issue for this.

I feel like this would take one day; and then people could add to / update
the Enumerations
But it may be blocked by EnumerationValueSet (in which it would still take
one day).

... from :

Blocking objectives for Course Extension
>    - It doesn't make sense to release Course until we can also describe
>    the Credential which can be earned from a given Course.
>    - It doesn't make sense to release Course until we can also describe
>    physicalAccessibilityFeature(edit: accessibilityPhysicalFeature #254 ) for
>    Courses (as well as Events, Places, and -- arguably -- CreativeWorks)
>    - (Implementers aren't going to want to go back and re-work this into
>    the public-facing HTML RDFa templates for Courses (and Degrees) which can
>    be generated from a student/course information system)
> .

>>     CourseDigitalFormat
>>     - I am not convinced we even need this as a property. Can we start
>>     a separate thread to discuss it?
>> CourseDigitalFormat is necessary in order to identify courses which offer
>> digital formats (such as complex XML schema).
> I am not clear what demand there is for disseminating/finding courses in
> such complex XML schema (I assume you mean SCORM, IMS CC and the like).

I suppose it's not possible to clarify the demand question solely given the
existence of so many DigitalCourseFormats.

> Is it the Course, the CourseInstance or content associated with the course
> that is available? --I think the latter.

TBH, I think the relation is:

  Course <- CourseInstance.syllabus <-__- (CreativeWork >
DigitalCourse).digitalCourseFormat [DigitalCourseFormat]

But we've yet to decide how to build an ordered tree/graph which does not
lose ordering between RDFa parsing, JSON-LD, and JS objects (which are not
guaranteed to remain in source-order; unless the implementation utilizes
ES6 maps) for pleasant traversal. (see the comments about RDFa, rdf:List,
rdf:first, and rdf:rest in schemaorg/schemaorg#195)

OpenSyllabusProject (@opensyllabus) probably has an ElasticSearch schema
which could be mapped to a JSON-LD @context with a little tool called
elasticsearchjsonld; and then there's likely quite a bit of overlap with
whatever we define here for IDK whether they have
modelled DigitalCourseFormat or similar yet.

> If there is demand, would not suffice? [see
> also ]

This wont work: DigitalCourseFormat  --> fileFormat (Text) <--

There is no way to link from Text in fileFormat to even a Wikipedia page
listing implementations for a given DigitalCourseFormat (again because RDF
requires IRIs (URIs, URLs) in the subject of a (subject, predicate, object)
tuple or a (graph, subject, predicate, object) quad).

(name, url, version, description) would be most useful (and probably
necessarily externally defined)

("name [version]", url, description) would probably also work.

> Phil
> --
> --
> Phil Barker           @philbarker
> LRMI, Cetis, ICBL
> Heriot-Watt University
> Ubuntu:
>   not so much an operating system as a learning opportunity.

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2016 16:49:53 UTC