Re: Enumerations: courseMode <CourseMode>, courseDigitalFormat <CourseDigitalFormat>, accessibilityPhysicalFeature <AccessibilityPhysicalFeature>

On 01/06/2016 17:49, Wes Turner wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 10:18 AM, Phil Barker < 
> <>> wrote:
>     On 01/06/16 15:49, Wes Turner wrote:
>         On Wednesday, June 1, 2016, Phil Barker <
>         <> <
>         <>>> wrote:
>             AccessibilityPhysicalFeature
>             - I think this is beyond our competence. Physical
>         accessibility
>             for events / locations needs to be considered in a much wider
>             context than Courses and by people who understand the issues
>             involved. I would rather leave it to a different working
>         group.
>             (This incidentally is what LRMI did for accessibility of
>         creative
>             works, and it worked out quite well.)
>         So it was in scope for LRMI.
>     No, it was ruled out of scope for LRMI. We passed it elsewhere.
> Got it. So:
> I'll create another issue for this.

Cool. Thank you.

>             CourseDigitalFormat
>             - I am not convinced we even need this as a property. Can
>         we start
>             a separate thread to discuss it?
>         CourseDigitalFormat is necessary in order to identify courses
>         which offer digital formats (such as complex XML schema).
>     I am not clear what demand there is for disseminating/finding
>     courses in such complex XML schema (I assume you mean SCORM, IMS
>     CC and the like).
> I suppose it's not possible to clarify the demand question solely 
> given the existence of so many DigitalCourseFormats.
There is demand for a way of describing the structure of courses, but 
that does not mean that there is a demand for finding course structures. 
Certainly the level of demand for finding machine-readable course 
structures is less than the level of demand for finding courses. Hence I 
give it a much lower priority. Very few people will decide not to take a 
MOOC just because they cannot find a machine readable structure for it, 
so I don't see the lack of way of describing course structure as 
blocking an effort to make courses more easily discoverable.

>     Is it the Course, the CourseInstance or content associated with
>     the course that is available? --I think the latter.
> TBH, I think the relation is:
>   Course <- CourseInstance.syllabus <-__- (CreativeWork > 
> DigitalCourse).digitalCourseFormat [DigitalCourseFormat]
> But we've yet to decide how to build an ordered tree/graph which does 
> not lose ordering between RDFa parsing, JSON-LD, and JS objects (which 
> are not guaranteed to remain in source-order; unless the 
> implementation utilizes ES6 maps) for pleasant traversal. (see the 
> comments about RDFa, rdf:List, rdf:first, and rdf:rest in 
> schemaorg/schemaorg#195)
OK, so if I understand, that sounds more like IMS Simple Sequencing, 
Learning Design, maybe the manifest of Content Packages?

I am not sure that is the same as syllabus (a list of topics to be 
studied is different from a sequence of activities on a course). 
Wouldn't the syllabus be the same for all instances of a Course? Whereas 
details of the sequencing might vary from one CourseInstance to another?

Sorry. I am still trying to understand what you want to describe and why.
If you could find concrete examples of them being shared that would help.


Phil Barker           @philbarker
Heriot-Watt University


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Received on Thursday, 2 June 2016 10:11:56 UTC