Re: W3C mock's users [via Restricted Media Community Group]

Mhyst [2013-08-19T14:29]:
> The so called Member Organizations are
> mostly companies interested in hooking DRM to the web. 

I'm far to agree with many of the business decisions of _some_ W3C Members, but this statement is an inaccurate representation of W3C.

This is the list of current paid W3C Members.

As for the W3C community as large, you have to add all volunteers, people contributing invaluable time to discussions who are not part of W3C members. 

W3C is a platform for discussions and trying to find agreements around issues about the Web.
_Disagreements_ are a normal part of the discussion. There would be no point of us getting altogether on this platform if we didn't have this disagreement.

Karl Dubost

Received on Monday, 19 August 2013 18:44:23 UTC